Plan Change 19
Plan Change 19 (PC 19) has been driven by the direction set out in the Vincent and Cromwell Spatial Plans. The spatial plans have been prepared by Central Otago District Council to respond to demand for residential land and housing affordability concerns in the District, and to plan for the anticipated growth over the next 30 years.
Plan Change 19 proposes to make a suite of changes to the way the District’s residential areas are zoned and managed.
In implementing the direction set out in the two spatial plans, PC 19 involves rezoning new land for residential use, identifying some areas for future growth, aligning existing residential zoning with the proposed new zones, and includes new provisions for managing land use and subdivisions within the residential zones.
PC19 does not propose to alter the zoning or framework in relation to the rural, business or industrial resource areas or rural settlements zone
Ann Rodgers
Principal Policy Planner
Central Otago District Council
Phone:03 4400056
Status: Under Appeal
Environment Court Appeals
- Environment Court Minute.pdf
- PC00019 ENV - 2024 - CHC - 044 One Five Five Developments Ltd.pdf
- PC00019 ENV - 2024 - CHC - 048 Lindsay and Robyn Crooks.pdf
- PC00019 ENV - 2024 - CHC - 049 Graeme Crosbie.pdf
- PC00019 ENV - 2024 - CHC - 053 Pisa Moorings Vineyard Ltd and Pisa Village Development Ltd.pdf
- PC00019 ENV - 2024 - CHC - 071 Rowan and John Klevstul.pdf
- PC00019 ENV - 2024 - CHC - 072 John and Mary Fletcher.pdf
- PC00019 ENV - 2024 - CHC - 073 North Cromwell Society.pdf
- PC00019 ENV - 2024 - CHC - 074 Fulton Hogan.pdf
- PC00019 ENV - 2024 - CHC - 075 Shamrock Trust Ltd.pdf
- PC00019 ENV - 2024 - CHC - 076 Brian De Geest.pdf
- PC00019 ENV - 2024 - CHC - 077 Sean Dent.pdf
- PC00019 ENV - 2024 - CHC - 078 Crossbar Trust.pdf
- PC00019 ENV - 2024 - CHC - 079 Topp Property Investments 2015.pdf
- PC00019 ENV - 2024 - CHC - 080 Keith and Jean MacKenzie.pdf
- PC00019 ENV - 2024 - CHC - 081 Koraki Ltd and ScottScott Ltd.pdf
Environmental Court S274 Parties
- PC00019 s274 Aurum WInes Limited with Appeal 073 North Cromwell Society Inc.pdf
- PC00019 s274 Aurum Wines Limited with Appeal 076 Brian De Geest.pdf
- PC00019 s274 Bannockburn Responsible Development Inc Society with Appeal 048 Lindsay and Robyn Crooks .pdf
- PC00019 s274 Bannockburn Responsible Development Inc Society with Appeal 049 Graeme Crosbie.pdf
- PC00019 s274 Bannockburn Responsible Development Inc Society with Appeal 071 Rowan and John Klevstul.pdf
- PC00019 s274 Bannockburn Responsible Development Inc Society with Appeal 080 Keith and Jean Mackenzie.pdf
- PC00019 s274 Brian De Geest with Appeal 073 North Cromwell Society Inc.pdf
- PC00019 s274 Gareth Robinson with Appeal 044 One Five FIve Developments.pdf
- PC00019 s274 Heritage Properties Limited with Appeal 073 North Cromwell Society Inc.pdf
- PC00019 s274 Heritage Properties Limited with Appeal 076 Brian De Geest.pdf
- PC00019 s274 Keith and Jean MacKenzie with Appeal 048 Lindsay and Robyn Crooks.pdf
- PC00019 s274 Mark Mitchell with Appeal 073 North Cromwell Society Inc.pdf
- PC00019 s274 Mark Mitchell with Appeal 076 Brian De Geest.pdf
- PC00019 s274 North Cromwell Society with Appeal 076 Brian De Geest.pdf
- PC00019 s274 NTP Development Holdings Ltd with Appeal 044 One Five Five Developments.pdf
- PC00019 s274 One Five Five Developments with Appeal 075 Shamrock TrustShamrock.pdf
- PC00019 s274 One Five FIve Developments with Appeal 076 Brian De Geest.pdf
- PC00019 s274 One Five Five Developments with Appeal 077 Sean Dent.pdf
- PC00019 s274 One Five Five Developments with Appeal 078 Crossbar Trust.pdf
- PC00019 s274 One Five Five Developments with Appeal 079 Topp Property Investments 2015.pdf
- PC00019 s274 Pisa Moorings Vineyard and Pisa Village Development Limited with Appeal 073 North Cromwell Society Inc.pdf
- PC00019 s274 Pisa Moorings Vineyard and Pisa Village Development Limited with Appeal 075 Shamrock Trust Ltd.pdf
- PC00019 s274 Pisa Moorings Vineyard and Pisa Village Development Limited with Appeal 076 Brian De Geest.pdf
- PC00019 s274 Rowan and John Klevstul with Appeal 049 Graeme Crosbie.pdf
- PC00019 s274 The Otago Outdoor Education Trust with Appeal 071 Rowan and John Klevstul.pdf
Hearing Minutes and Schedule
- Hearing Schedule Stage 2 Final.pdf
- Minute 4 Response 01. Legal Opinion NPS UD applicability -.pdf
- Minute 4 Response 02. Legal Advice NPS HPL.pdf
- Minute 4 Response 03. Boffa Miskell review of James Lundy Evidence 163.pdf
- Minute 4 Response 04. Boffa Miskell MDZ site coverage review - Copy.pdf
- Minute 4 Response 05. Ian Lynn review of Dr Reece Hill methodology Lowburn.pdf
- Minute 4 Response 06. Ian Lynn review of Dr Reece Hill methodology 163.pdf
- Minute 4 Response 07. Email Ian Lynn re Dr Hills evidence.pdf
- Minute 4 Response 08. Rationale Response to Late Evidence Submitted by Natalia Hampson .pdf
- Minute 4 Response 09. Water.pdf
- PC 19 Hearings Minute 1.pdf
- PC 19 Hearings Minute 3.pdf
- PC 19 Hearings Minute 4.pdf
- PC 19 Hearings Minute 5.pdf
- PC 19 Hearings Minute 6.pdf
- PC00019 - 002 - Section 42a Report - Julie Muir.pdf
- PC00019 - 002 - Summary of Evidence - Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Capacity - Julie Muir.pdf
- PC00019 - 005 - Tabled Evidence - Colin Reece.pdf
- PC00019 - 006 - Tabled Evidence - Deborah Reece.pdf
- PC00019 - 009 - Evidence - Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency - Helen Dempster - Planning.pdf
- PC00019 - 016 - Tabled Evidence - John Lister.pdf
- PC00019 - 021 - Evidence - Brian De Geest - Rachel Law - Planning.pdf
- PC00019 - 021 - Evidence Planning Brian De Geest - Rachael Law.pdf
- PC00019 - 023 - Tabled Evidence - Andrew Wilkinson.pdf
- PC00019 - 030 - Evidence - Freeway Orchards - Rachel Law - Planning.pdf
- PC00019 - 031 - Evidence - Goldfields Partnership - Rachel Law - Planning.pdf
- PC00019 - 031 - Evidence Planning - Goldfields Partnership - Rachael Law.pdf
- PC00019 - 032 - Evidence - Molyneux Lifestyle Village Limited - Rachel Law - Planning.pdf
- PC00019 - 033 - Evidence - Mary and Graeme Stewart - Rachel Law - Planning.pdf
- PC00019 - 034 - Tabled Evidence - Gordon Stewart - 3 Pages.pdf
- PC00019 - 034 - Tabled Evidence Gordon Stewart - 1 Page.pdf
- PC00019 - 035 - Tabled Evidence - Bernard Lynch.pdf
- PC00019 - 037 - Tabled Evidence - Anthony Lawrence.pdf
- PC00019 - 038 - Tabled Evidence - Lyall Hopcroft.pdf
- PC00019 - 040 - Tabled Evidence - Roddy Maxwell.pdf
- PC00019 - 046 - Tabled Evidence - Charles and Nicola Hughes.pdf
- PC00019 - 051 - Evidence - D and J Sew Hoy Heritage Properties Limited - Rachel Law - Planning.pdf
- PC00019 - 051 - Evidence - D and J Sew Hoy, Heritage Properties Ltd - Racheal Law.pdf
- PC00019 - 054 - Tabled Evidence - North Cromwell Society Incorporated - Ben Farrel.pdf
- PC00019 - 060 - Evidence - Kate Graham - Ministry of Education LATE.pdf
- PC00019 - 061 - Legal Submissions - Foodstufs NW Alexandra - Alex Booker.pdf
- PC00019 - 061 and 062 - Evidence Planning - Foodstuffs South Island Ltd- Rebecca Parish.pdf
- PC00019 - 061 and 062 - Evidence Planning - Foodstuffs South Island- Mark Allan.pdf.pdf
- PC00019 - 062 - Legal Submissions - Foodstufs NW Cromwell - Alex Booker.pdf
- PC00019 - 063 - Tabled Evidence - Julene Anderson.pdf
- PC00019 - 066 - Tabled Evidence - Mark Borrie.pdf
- PC00019 - 075 - Tabled Evidence - Residents for Responsible Development of Cromwell.pdf
- PC00019 - 076 - Tabled Evidence - John Sutton.pdf
- PC00019 - 079 - Evidence - Wooing Tree Development Partnerships Limited - John Duthie.pdf
- PC00019 - 079 - Evidence - Wooing Tree Developments Limited - John Duthie - Planning - Late.pdf
- PC00019 - 079 - Evidence - Wooing Tree Developments Limited - Stephen Cornwall - Corporate - Late.pdf
- PC00019 - 081 - Evidence - John Elliot - Jake Woodward.pdf
- PC00019 - 082 - Evidence - Jones Family trust and Searell Family Trust - Craig Barr - Planning.pdf
- PC00019 - 082 - Evidence - Legal Summary - Doug Jones Family Trust and Searell Jones Family Trust - Chris Fowler.pdf
- PC00019 - 082 - Evidence Landscape - Jones and Searell Family Trusts - Tony Milne.pdf
- PC00019 - 082 - Evidence Planning - Jones and Searell Family Trusts - Craig Barr.pdf
- PC00019 - 082 - Evidence Summary - DJ Jones and Searell Family Trusts - Craig Barr - Planning.pdf
- PC00019 - 082 - Evidence Surveyor - Jones and Searell Family Trust - Richard Ford.pdf
- PC00019 - 082 - Legal Submission - Jones Family Trust and Searell Family Trust - Chris Fowler.pdf
- PC00019 - 082 - Legal Submission - Jones Family Trust and Searell Family Trust Chris Fowler.pdf
- PC00019 - 082 - Summary of Evidence - Jones and Searell Family trusts - Richard Ford.pdf
- PC00019 - 083 - Evidence Landscape - A F Kings and Sons Ltd - Anne Wilkins.pdf
- PC00019 - 083 - Evidence Planning - A F King and Sons Ltd - Sean Dent.pdf
- PC00019 - 083 - Evidence Transport - A f King and Sons Lts - Nick Fuller.pdf
- PC00019 - 083 - Summary of Evidence - A F Kings and Sons Ltd - Anne Wilkins.pdf
- PC00019 - 085 - Tabled Evidence - Niall and Julie Watson.pdf
- PC00019 - 089 - Evidence - Horticulture New Zealand - Lynette Wharfe - Planning.pdf
- PC00019 - 089 - Evidence Summary - Horticulture.pdf
- PC00019 - 089 - Summary of Evidence - Horticulture New Zealand.pdf
- PC00019 - 093 - Statement - Sean Dent.pdf
- PC00019 - 093, 094 and 095 - Non Expert Evidence - Sean Dent.pdf
- PC00019 - 093, 094, 095 - Non-Expert Evidence - Sean Dent.pdf
- PC00019 - 094 - Evidence - Crossbar Trust - Sean Dent.pdf
- PC00019 - 098 - Email - Request for Late Provision of Evidence Received.pdf
- PC00019 - 098 - Email - Request for S37 Extension for Late Provision of Evidence Received.pdf
- PC00019 - 098 - Evidence - John and Mary Fletcher - Stewart Fletcher - Planning - Late.pdf
- PC00019 - 112 - Tabled Evidence - Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga - Fran Davies.pdf
- PC00019 - 113 - Evidence - Mark Mitchell Submission.pdf
- PC00019 - 113 - Evidence - Mark Mitchelle - Campbell Hills.pdf
- PC00019 - 114 - Evidence - Fire and Emergency New Zealand - Lydia Shirley - Planning.pdf
- PC00019 - 117 - Tabled Evidence - Graeme Crosbie.pdf
- PC00019 - 118 - Tabled Evidence - Lakefield Estate Unincorporated Residents Group.pdf
- PC00019 - 123 - Evidence - Lowburn Viticulture Ltd - Andy Carr.pdf
- PC00019 - 123 - Evidence - Lowburn Viticulture Ltd - Dr Reece Hill.pdf
- PC00019 - 123 - Evidence - Lowburn Viticulture Ltd -H Van der Velden.pdf
- PC00019 - 123 - Evidence Planning - Lowburn Viticulture Ltd - Jake Woodward.pdf
- PC00019 - 123 - Summary of Evidence - Lowburn Viticulture Limited - Rebecca Wolt.pdf
- PC00019 - 123 - Summary of Evidence - Lowburn Viticulture Ltd - Jake Woodward.pdf
- PC00019 - 123 - Tabled Evidence - Lowburn Viticulture Limited - Henry Van der Velden.pdf
- PC00019 - 125 - Evidence Planning - Keyrouz Holdings Limited - Matt Curran.pdf
- PC00019 - 127 and 143 - Evidence Planning - Harold Davidson and Koraki Ltd and Scottscott Ltd - Matt Curran.pdf
- PC00019 - 134 - Tabled Evidence - Ros and Peter Herbison.pdf
- PC00019 - 135 - Evidence - Cairine Macleod - Campbell Hills.pdf
- PC00019 - 135 - Evidence - Cairine Macleod - Craig Barr - Planning.pdf
- PC00019 - 135 - Evidence Planning - Cairine MacLeod - Craig Barr.pdf
- PC00019 - 135 - Evidence Summary - Cairine Macleod - Craig Barr - Planning.pdf
- PC00019 - 135 - Summary of Evidence - Cairine Macleod - Campbell Hills.pdf
- PC00019 - 137 and 138 - Evidence Planning - Bob Perriam and Wakefield Estate - Matt Subbaby.pdf
- PC00019 - 137 and 138 - Evidence Summary - R S Perriam - Wakefield Estate Matthew Suddaby.pdf
- PC00019 - 139 - Evidence - Shanon Garden - Craig Barr - Planning.pdf
- PC00019 - 139 - Evidence Summary - One Five Five Developments Limited - Craig Barr - Planning.pdf
- PC00019 - 140 - Tabled Evidence - Bannockburn Responsible Development Inc.pdf
- PC00019 - 142 - Double up evidence - Lakeside Christian Centre - Della Clark.pdf
- PC00019 - 145 - Evidence - Thyme Care Properties Limited - Rachel Law - Planning.pdf
- PC00019 - 145 - Evidence Planning - Thyme care - Rachael Law.pdf
- PC00019 - 146 - Evidence - Pisa Village and Pisa Moorings Vineyard - Craig Barr.pdf
- PC00019 - 146 - Evidence - Pisa Village Development Limited and Pisa Moorings Vineyard Limited - Craig Barr - Planning.pdf
- PC00019 - 146 - Evidence Infrastucture - Pisa Village Development and Pisa Moorings Vineyard Ltd - Campbell Hills.pdf
- PC00019 - 146 - Evidence Landscape - Pisa Village and Pisa Moorings Vineyard - Bridget Gilbert.pdf
- PC00019 - 146 - Evidence Summary - Pisa Village Developments and Pisa Moorings Vineyard Ltd- Craig Barr - Planning.pdf
- PC00019 - 146 - Evidence Traffice - Pisa Village and Pisa Moorings Vineyard - Jason Bartlett.pdf
- PC00019 - 146 - Summary of Evidence - Pisa Moorings Developments Ltd - Campbell Hills.pdf
- PC00019 - 147 - Email - Request for late provision of evidence received.pdf
- PC00019 - 147 - Email - Request for S37 Extension for Late Provision of Evidence Received.pdf
- PC00019 - 147 - Evidence - Stephen Davies - Jake Woodward - Planning.pdf
- PC00019 - 147 - Evidence - Stephen Davies - Jake Woodward.pdf
- PC00019 - 147 - Evidence Infrastructure - Stephen Davies - Richard Ford.pdf
- PC00019 - 147 - Evidence Landscape - S Davies - Ben Espie.pdf
- PC00019 - 147 - Evidence Solis - Stephen Davies - Dr R Hill.pdf
- PC00019 - 147 - Summary of Evidence - Mr Jake Woodward.pdf
- PC00019 - 147 - Summary of Evidence - Stephen Davies - Jake Woodward.pdf
- PC00019 - 147 - Summary of Evidence - Stephen Davies - Richard Ford.pdf
- PC00019 - 147 - Summary of Evidence - Stephen Davies.pdf
- PC00019 - 148 - Evidence - CHP Developments Limited - Brodie Costello - Planning.pdf
- PC00019 - 148 - Summary of Evidence - CHP Developments Ltd - Brodie Costello.pdf
- PC00019 - 150 - Evidence - Landpro - Brodie Costello - Planning.pdf
- PC00019 - 150 - Evidence - Landpro Ltd - Brodie Costello.pdf
- PC00019 - 156 - Non Expert Evidence - Werner Murray.pdf
- PC00019 - 156 - Tabled Evidence - Werner Murray.pdf
- PC00019 - 158 and 169 - Evidence - Ryman and the RVA - Statement of Evidence LATE N Williams.pdf
- PC00019 - 160 and 158 - RVA and Ryman - Memorandum of Counsel.pdf
- PC00019 - 161 - Evidence - Topp Property Investments - Bruce Weir.pdf
- PC00019 - 161 - Evidence - Topp Property Investments 2015 Ltd - Joanne Skuse - Planning.pdf
- PC00019 - 161 - Evidence Planning - Topp Properties Investments - Jo Skuse.pdf
- PC00019 - 161 - Summary of Evidence - Topp Property Investments 2015 Ltd - J Skuse.pdf
- PC00019 - 161 and 162 - Memorandum requesting further time number 2.pdf
- PC00019 - 161, 162 and 163 - Evidence - James Gardner-Hopkins.pdf
- PC00019 - 161, 162 and 163 - Summary of Evidence - James Gardner-Hopkins.pdf
- PC00019 - 161, 162 and 163 - Tabled Evidence - James Gardner-Hopkins.pdf
- PC00019 - 162 - Evidence - Sugarloaf Vineyards - Bruce Weir.pdf
- PC00019 - 162 - Evidence - Sugarloaf Vineyards Ltd - Joanne Skuse - Planning.pdf
- PC00019 - 162 - Evidence Landscape - Sugarloaf Vineyards Ltd - Philip Blakley.pdf
- PC00019 - 162 - Evidence Planning - Sugarloaf Vineyards - Jo Skuse.pdf
- PC00019 - 162 - Summary of Evidence - Sugarloaf Vineyards - Jo Skuse.pdf
- PC00019 - 162 - Summary of Evidence - Sugarloaf Vineyards Ltd.pdf
- PC00019 - 162 - Summary of Evidence - SugarloafVineyards Ltd.pdf
- PC00019 - 162 - Summary of Evidence - Surgarloaf Vineyards Ltd - Jo Skuse.pdf
- PC00019 - 163 - Evidence - Rowan and John Klevstul - Craig Barr - Planning.pdf
- PC00019 - 163 - Evidence Infrastructure - John and Rowan Klevstul and Rubicon Road Hall - Mark Cruden.pdf
- PC00019 - 163 - Evidence Landscape - John and Rowan Klevstul and Rubicon Hall Road- Klevstul -Ben Espie.pdf
- PC00019 - 163 - Evidence Planning - John and Rowan Klevstul and Rubicon Hall Road - Brett James Giddens.pdf
- PC00019 - 163 - Evidence Summary - Rowan and John Klevstul- Craig Barr - Planning.pdf
- PC00019 - 163 - Evidence Traffic - John and Rowan Klevstul and Rubicon Hall Road - Andy Carr.pdf
- PC00019 - 163 - Evidence Urban Design - John and Rowan Klevstul and Rubicon Hall Road - James Lundy.pdf
- PC00019 - 163 - Statement - John and Rowan Klevstul - James Gardner-Hopkins.pdf
- PC00019 - 163 - Summary of Evidence - John and Rowan Klevstul and Rubicon Hall Road - Brett Giddens.pdf
- PC00019 - 164 - Evidence - Fulton Hogan - Carey Vivian - Planning.pdf
- PC00019 - 164 - Evidence Planning - Fulton Hogan - Carey Vivian.pdf
- PC00019 - 164 - Evidence Summary - Fulton Hogan Limited - Carey Vivian - Planning.pdf
- PC00019 - 165 - Evidence - Patterson Pitts Group Ltd - Rachel Law - Planning.pdf
- PC00019 - 180 - Tabled Evidence - Jim Walton.pdf
- PC00019 - 241 - Evidence - One Five Five Developments - Shanon Garden.pdf
- PC00019 - 241 - Evidence Infrastructure - One Five Five Developments - Stuart Calder.pdf
- PC00019 - 241 - Evidence Landscape - One Five Five Developments - Mike Moore.pdf
- PC00019 - 241 - Evidence Plannonh - One Five Five Developments - Craig Barr.pdf
- PC00019 - 241 - Evidence Traffice - One Five Five Developments - Andy Carr.pdf
- PC00019 - 241 - Letter - One Five Five Developments - Todd and Walker Law.pdf
- PC00019 - 241 - Request for Independent Commissioner - One Five Five Developments - Todd and Walker Law.pdf
- PC00019 - Case Law - 82 - Jones and Searell Family Trust Bunnings Ltd v Queenstown Lakes District Council 2019 NZEnvC 59.pdf
- PC00019 - Case law - 82 - Jones and Searell Family Trust Colonial Vineyard v Marlborough District Council 2014 NZEnvC 55.pdf
- PC00019 - Case Law - 82 - Jones and Searell Family Trust Environmental Defence Society Inc v New Zealand King Salmon.pdf
- PC00019 - Case Law - 82 - Jones and Searell Family Trust Otago Regional Council ENV-2020-CHC-12 2021 NZEnvC 164 (002).pdf
- PC00019 - Case Law - 82 - Jones Searell Family Trust Environmental Defence Society Inc v NZ King Salmon Co Ltd 2014.pdf
- PC00019 - Case law - 82 - Middle Hill Ltd v Auckland Council 2022 NZEnvC 162 Jones and Searell Family Trust.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 009 - Tabled Evidence - Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 009 - Waka Kotahi Written Statement Tabled 12 May 2023.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 009-Waka Kotahi Written Statement Tabled 12 May 2023.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 019-021 - Summary of Evidence - De Geest - Rachael Law.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 019-085 - Statement - Niall and Julie Watson.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 021 - Evidence - Brian De Geest - Rachael Law.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 031 - Evidence - Goldfields Partnership - Rachael Law.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 031 - Summary of Evidence - Goldfields Partnerships - Rachael Law.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 051 - Evidence - D and J Sew Hoy, Heritage Properties Ltd - Racheal Law.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 051 - Evidence - D and J Sew Hoy, Heritage Properties Ltd.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 051 - Summary of Evidence - Sew Hoy Heritage Properties - Racheal Law.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 051 - Summary of Evidence - Sew HoyHeritage Properties - Racheal Law.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 061 and 062 - Evidence - Foodstuffs South Island - Mark Allan.pdf.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 061 and 062 - Evidence - Foodstuffs South Island Ltd - Rebecca Parish.pdf.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 061 and 062 - Foodstuffs South Island Properties Ltd - Alex Hansby.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 061 and 062 - Legal Submissions - Foodstuffs South Island Properties Ltd - Alex Hansby.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 079 - Evidence - Wooing Tree Development Partnerships - John Duthie.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 079 - Summary of Evidence - Wooing Tree - John Duthie.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 079 - Summary of Evidence - Wooing Tree - JohnDuthie.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 079 -Evidence - Wooing Tree - John Duthie.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 081 - Evidence - John Elliot - Jake Woodward.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 081 - Summary of Evidence - John Elliot - Jake Woodward.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 081 - Tabled Evidence - John Elliot.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 082 - Evidence - Doug Jones and Searell Family Trusts.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 082 - Evidence - Jones and Searell Family Trust - Richard Ford.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 082 - Evidence - Jones and Searell Family Trusts - Craig Barr.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 082 - Evidence - Jones and Searell Family Trusts - Tony Milne.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 082 - Legal Evidence - Doug Jones Family Trust and Searell Jones Family - Chris Fowler.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 082 - Summary of Evidence - Jones and Searell Family Trusts - Craig Barr.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 082 - Summary of Evidence - Jones and Searell Family Trusts - Tony Milne.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 082 - Summary of Evidence Planning - Jones and Searell Family Trusts - Craig Barr.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 082 - Summary of Evidence Surveyor - Jones and Searell Family trusts - Richard Ford.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 082 - Summary of Landscape Evidence - Jones and Searell Family Trusts - Tony Milne.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 082 - Summary of Legal Evidence - Jones and Searell Family Trusts.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 083 - Evidence - A f King and Sons Ltd - Nick Fuller.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 083 - Evidence - A F King and Sons Ltd - Sean Dent.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 083 - Evidence - A F Kings and Sons Ltd - Anne Wilkins.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 083 - Summary of Evidence - A F King and Sons Ltd - Nick Fuller.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 083 - Summary of Evidence - A F Kings and Sons Ltd - Anne Wilkins.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 083 - Summary of Evidence - AF King and Sons Ltd - Nick Fuller.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 083 - Summary of Evidence Landscape - A F Kings and Sons Ltd - Anne Wilkins.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 085 - Tabled Evidence - Niall and Julie Watson.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 093, 094 and 095 - Non-Expert Evidence - Sean Dent.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 093, 094 and 095 - Non-Expert Evidence - Shamrock Hut Limited - Sean Dent.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 107 - Tabled Evidence - A and R Cowie.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 113 - Evidence - Mark Mitchell - Campbell Hills.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 113 - Evidence - Mark Mitchell.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 123 - Evidence - Lowburn Viticulture Ltd - Andy Carr.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 123 - Evidence - Lowburn Viticulture Ltd - Dr Reece Hill.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 123 - Evidence - Lowburn Viticulture Ltd - H Van der Velden.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 123 - Evidence - Lowburn Viticulture Ltd - Jake Woodward.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 123 - Legal Evidence - Lowburn Viticulture - Rebecca Wolt.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 123 - Summary of Evidence - Lowburn Viticulture Ltd.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 123 - Summary of Evidence - LowburnViticulture Ltd.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 123, 147 - Rezonings - Memorandum on behalf of Submitters 123 and 147 20220503 .pdf
- PC00019 -2- 125 -Evidence - Keyrouz Holdings Limited - Matt Curran.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 127 and 143 - Evidence - Harold Davidson and Koraki Ltd and Scottscott Ltd - Matt Curran.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 135 - Evidence - Cairine MacLeod - Craig Barr.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 135 - Legal Evidence - Cairine Macleod - Fraser Sinclair.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 135 -Evidence - Cairine MacLeod - Craig Barr.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 137 and 138 - Evidence - Bob Perriam and Wakefield Estate - Matt Subbaby.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 139 - Legal Evidence - One Five Five Developments Ltd - Ben Gresson.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 142 - Evidence - Lakeside Christian Centre - Della Clark.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 142 - Summary of Evidence - Lakeside Christian Centre - Della clark.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 145 - Evidence - Thyme care - Rachael Law.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 145 - Summary of Evidence Planning - Thyme care - Racheal Law.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 145 -Summary of Evidence - Thyme care - Racheal Law.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 146 - Evidence - Pisa Moorings Developments Limited and Pisa Village Developments - Bridget Gilbert.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 146 - Evidence - Pisa Village and Pisa Moorings Vineyard - Craig Barr.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 146 - Evidence - Pisa Village and Pisa Moorings Vineyard - Jason Bartlett.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 146 - Evidence - Pisa Village Development and Pisa Moorings Vineyard Ltd - Campbell Hills.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 147 - Evidence - S Davies - Ben Espie.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 147 - Evidence - Stephen Davies - Dr R Hill.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 147 - Evidence - Stephen Davies - Jake Woodward.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 147 - Evidence - Stephen Davies - Richard Ford.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 147 - Evidence - Stephen Davies.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 147 - Evidence Legal - S Davies Rebecca Wolt.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 147 - Legal Evidence - S Davies - Rebecca Wolt.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 147 - Non-Expert Evidence - Stephen Davies.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 147 - Summary of Evidence - S Davies - Jake Woodward.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 147 - Summary of Evidence - S Davies - JakeWoodward.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 147 - Summary of Evidence Infrastructure - Richard Ford.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 147 - Summary of Legal Evidence - S Davies - Rebecca Wolt.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 150 - Evidence - Landpro Ltd - Brodie Costello.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 150 - Summary of Evidence - Landpro - Brodie Costello.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 150 - Summary of Evidence - Landpro Limited - Brodie Costello.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 159 - Evidence - LATE - Rocky Glen - Walt Denley.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 161 - Evidence - Topp Properties Investments - Jo Skuse.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 161 - Evidence - Topp Property Investments - Bruce Weir.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 161 - Summary of Evidence - Topp Property Investments 2015 - Jo Skuse.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 161- Summary of Evidence - Topp Property Investments 2015 - Jo Skuse.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 161, 162 and 163 Memorandum requesting further time - Stage 2 hearing.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 162 - Evidence - Sugarloaf Vineyards - Bruce Weir.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 162 - Evidence - Sugarloaf Vineyards - James Gardner-Hopkins.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 162 - Evidence - Sugarloaf Vineyards - Jo Skuse.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 162 - Evidence - Sugarloaf Vineyards Ltd - Philip Blakley.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 162 - Evidence - Urban Design - Sugarloaf Vineyards - Bruce Weir.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 162 - Evidence Presentation - Sugarloaf Vineyards - James Gardner-Hopkins.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 162 - Sugarloaf Vineyards Ltd - Jo Skuse, Brian Weir and Phillip Blakley.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 162 - Summary of Evidence - Sugarloaf Vineyards Ltd - Jo Skuse.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 163 - Evidence - John and Rowan Klevstul - Ben Espie.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 163 - Evidence - John and Rowan Klevstul - Brett James Giddens.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 163 - Evidence - John and Rowan Klevstul - James Lundy.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 163 - Evidence - John and Rowan Klevstul and Rubicon Hall Road - Andy Carr.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 163 - Evidence - John and Rowan Klevstul and Rubicon Road Hall - Mark Cruden.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 163 - Evidence - Rowan Klevstul.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 163 - Non-Expert Evidence - John and Rowan Klevstul - Rowan Klevstul.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 163 - Statement of Evidence - John and Rowan Klevstul and Rubicon Road Hall - Rowan Klevstul.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 163 - Summary of Evidence - John and Rowan Klevstul and Rubicon Hall Road - Ben Espie.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 163 - Summary of evidence - John and Rowan Klevstul and Rubicon Hall Road -Ben Espie.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 163 - Summary of Evidence - Rowan Klevstul.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 163 - Summary of Planning Evidence - John and Rowan Klevstul - Brett Giddens.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 163 - Tabled Evidence - John and Rowan Klevstul - James Gardner-Hopkins.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 164 - Evidence - Fulton Hogan - Carey Vivian.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 241 - Evidence - One Five Five Developments - Andy Carr.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 241 - Evidence - One Five Five Developments - Craig Barr.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 241 - Evidence - One Five Five Developments - Mike Moore.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 241 - Evidence - One Five Five Developments - Shanon Garden.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 241 - Evidence - One Five Five Developments - Stuart Calder.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 241 - Summary of Evidence - One Five Five Developments - Craig Barr.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 241 - Summary of Evidence -One Five Five Developments - Craig Barr.pdf
- PC00019 -2- 241 - Tabled Evidence - Shanon Garden.pdf
- PC00019 Section 42a Report PART 2 - Julie Muir.pdf
- PC00019 - 061 - Legal Submissions - Foodstufs NW Alexandra - Alex Booker.pdf
- PC00019 - 062 - Legal Submissions - Foodstufs NW Cromwell - Alex Booker.pdf
- PC00019 - 160 and 158 - Submission RVA and Ryman - Memorandum of Counsel.pdf
- PC00019 - 161 and 162 - Submission Memorandum requesting further time number 2.pdf
- PC00019 - 163, 161 and 162 Memorandum requesting further time - Stage 2 hearing.pdf
- PC00019 - 217 - Legal Submission - DJ and NR Searell Family Trusts - Chris Fowler.pdf
- PC00019 - Submitter List and Summary of Decisions Requested.xlsx
- PC00019 - Summary of Decisions Requested.docx
- PC00019 (f) 19-172 Brian De Geest.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-173 Goldfields Partnership.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-174 Submission Werner Murray.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-175 Submission Russell Fowler and Sue Dawson.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-176 Submission Freeway Orchards Partnership.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-177 Submission Phil Shipton.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-178 Submission Waka Kotahi NZ.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-179 Submission D and J Sew Hoy, Heritage Properties Ltd.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-180 Submisson C- Jim Walton.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-181 Submission Julene Anderson.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-182 Submission Steven Gourley.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-183 Submission Rowan Klevstul.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-184 Rowan Klevstul.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-185 Submission Julene Anderson.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-186 Submission Julene Anderson.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-187 Submission Julene Anderson.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-188 Submission Matt Brierley.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-189 Submission Rowan Klevstul.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-190 Ian Dustin and Dustin Family Trust.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-191 Submission Julene Anderson.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-192 Submission Julene Anderson.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-193 Submission Niall and Julie Watson.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-194 Submission Julene Anderson.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-195 Submission Julene Anderson.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-196 Submission F Holdon A ONeil trustees Holdom Family Trust.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-197 Submission Koraki Limited.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-198 Submission Wooing Tree Development.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-199 Submission Wooing Tree Development.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-200 Submission Wooing Tree Development.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-201 Submission Wooing Tree Development.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-202 Submission Graeme Crosbie.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-203 Submission Perkins Family Trust.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-204 Submission Wooing Tree Development.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-205 Submission Wooing Tree Development.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-206 Submission Wooing Tree Development.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-207 Submission Wooing Tree Development.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-208 Submission Wooing Tree Development.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-209 Submission Wooing Tree Development.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-210 Submission Wooing Tree Developments.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-211 Submission Wooing Tree Development.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-212 Submission Wally Sanford.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-213 Submission Julene Anderson.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-214 Submission Julene Anderson.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-215 Submission Julene Anderson.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-216 Submission CHP Developments.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-217 Submission DJ Jones and N R Searell Family trusts.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-218 Submission Keyrouz Holdings Ltd.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-219 Submission Stephen Davies.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-220 Submission CHP Developments Ltd.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-221 Submission Annetta and Ross Cowie.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-222 Submission Lakeside Christian Centre.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-223 Submission Pisa Moorings Vineyard and Village developments Ltd.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-224 Submission Pisa Moorings Vineyard and Village Development Ltd.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-225 Submission Stephen Davies.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-226 Submission Anthony Lawrence.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-227 Submission Wakefield Estates Ltd.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-228 Submission Julene Anderson.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-229 Submission Christine and James Page and MB and RA Cromwell Ltd.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-230 Submission Julene Anderson.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-231 Submission Charles and Nicola Hughes.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-232 Submission Heritage New Zealand.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-233 Submission Julene Anderson.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-234 Submission Bannockburn Responsible Development Inc.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-235 Submission James Dicey.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-236 The Van Der Velden Family Trust.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-237 Submission D J Jones and NR Searell Family Trusts.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-238 Submission DJ Jones nad N R Searell Family Trusts.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-239 Submission DJ Jones and NR Searell Family Trusts.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-240 Submission Geoff McPhee.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-241 Submission One Five Five Developments.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-242 Submission Cole Lions broken hive mead.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-243 Submission Cole Lions broken hive mead.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-244 Submission Kruse Davidson.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-245 Submission Cromwell Motorsport Park Trust Ltd.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-246 Submission Kathryn Adams.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-247 Submission Landpro.pdf
- PC00019 (f) 19-248 Submission Kenneth Dickie.pdf
- PC00019 19-001 Submission MA and JM BIRD.pdf
- PC00019 19-002 Submission John WEKKING.pdf
- PC00019 19-003 Submission John (Snow) HAMILTON.pdf
- PC00019 19-003 Superseded Submission John (Snow) HAMILTON.pdf
- PC00019 19-004 Submission Deborah Glenis REECE.pdf
- PC00019 19-005 Submission Colin James REECE.pdf
- PC00019 19-006 Submission Deborah and Colin REECE.pdf
- PC00019 19-007 Submission Russell IBBOTSON.pdf
- PC00019 19-008 Richard and Wendy BYRNE.pdf
- PC00019 19-008 Submission - RichardandWendy BYRNE.pdf
- PC00019 19-009 Submission Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency.pdf
- PC00019 19-010 Submission J VAN BAAREN and B D HESSON.pdf
- PC00019 19-011 Submission Geoffrey James PYE and Margaret Anne PYEpdf.pdf
- PC00019 19-012 Submission Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand - Southern.pdf
- PC00019 19-013 Submission Peter and Leanne ROBINSON.pdf
- PC00019 19-014 Submission Paul and Angela JACOBSON.pdf
- PC00019 19-015 Submission Deborah and Neville et al.pdf
- PC00019 19-016 Submission John LISTER.pdf
- PC00019 19-017 Submission Stuart HEAL.pdf
- PC00019 19-018 Submission Neroli McRae.pdf
- PC00019 19-019 Submission James and Gilian Watt.pdf
- PC00019 19-020 Submission Stephen and Loren SMITH.pdf
- PC00019 19-021 Submission Brian De Geest.pdf
- PC00019 19-022 Submission Judith Horrell.pdf
- PC00019 19-023 Submission Andrew James WILKINSON.pdf
- PC00019 19-024 Submission Leanne DOWNIE.pdf
- PC00019 19-025 Submission Jan HOPCROFT.pdf
- PC00019 19-026 Submission FULTON HOGAN.pdf
- PC00019 19-027 Submission Gordon and Jenn McGregor.pdf
- PC00019 19-028 Submission Simon Thwaites.pdf
- PC00019 19-029 Submission Ralph Allen and Jostina Riedstra.pdf
- PC00019 19-030 Submission Freeway Orchards.pdf
- PC00019 19-031 Submission Goldfields Partnership.pdf
- PC00019 19-032 Submission Molyneux Lifestyle Village Limited.pdf
- PC00019 19-033 Submission Mary and Graeme Stewart.pdf
- PC00019 19-034 Submission Gordon Stewart.pdf
- PC00019 19-035 Submission Bernard and Clare Lynch.pdf
- PC00019 19-036 Submission N R Murray.pdf
- PC00019 19-037 Submission Anthony Lawrence.pdf
- PC00019 19-038 Submission Lyall Hopcroft.pdf
- PC00019 19-039 Submission Yvonne Maxwell.pdf
- PC00019 19-040 Submission Roddy Maxwell.pdf
- PC00019 19-041 Submissiom David George.pdf
- PC00019 19-042 Submission Hayden Lockhart.pdf
- PC00019 19-043 Submission Roasemarie Carroll.pdf
- PC00019 19-044 Submission Phil Murray and Lynne Stewart.pdf
- PC00019 19-045 Submission Antony Lingard.pdf
- PC00019 19-046 Submission Charles and Nicola Hughes.pdf
- PC00019 19-047 Submission Roger Evans Family Trust.pdf
- PC00019 19-048 Submission Jean MacKenzie.pdf
- PC00019 19-049 Submission Keith MACKENZIE.pdf
- PC00019 19-050 Submission John Walker.pdf
- PC00019 19-051 Submission D and J Sew Hoy Heritage Properties Limited.pdf
- PC00019 19-052 Submission Perkins Miller Family Trust.pdf
- PC00019 19-053 Submission David Stark.pdf
- PC00019 19-054 Submission North Cromwell Society Incorporated.pdf
- PC00019 19-055 Submission Robert David (Bob) Scott.pdf
- PC00019 19-056 Submission Meirion (Mike) and Celia Davies.pdf
- PC00019 19-057 Submission Barbara Walker.pdf
- PC00019 19-058 Submission Jo Robinson.pdf
- PC00019 19-059 Submission Paul Robertson.pdf
- PC00019 19-060 Submission Ministry of Education.pdf
- PC00019 19-061 Submission Foodstuffs NW Alexandra.pdf
- PC00019 19-062 Submission Foodstuffs NW Cromwell.pdf
- PC00019 19-063 Submission Julene Anderson.pdf
- PC00019 19-064 Submission Kenneth Charles Dickie.pdf
- PC00019 19-065 Submission Ian Anderson.pdf
- PC00019 19-066 Submission Trevor Deaker and Mark Borrie.pdf
- PC00019 19-067 Submission Bruce Anderson.pdf
- PC00019 19-068 Submission Karen Anderson.pdf
- PC00019 19-069 Submission The Van Der Velden Family Trust.pdf
- PC00019 19-070 Submission James Dicey.pdf
- PC00019 19-071 Submission Brigid Anne and Jason David Short.pdf
- PC00019 19-072 Submission Robyn and Lindsay Crooks.pdf
- PC00019 19-073 Submission Samuel Paardekooper.pdf
- PC00019 19-074 Submisison Mason and Julie Stretch.pdf
- PC00019 19-075 Submission Residents for Responsible Development of Cromwell (R4RDC).pdf
- PC00019 19-076 Submission John Sutton.pdf
- PC00019 19-077 Submission Derek Shaw.pdf
- PC00019 19-078 Submission Astrid Geneblaza.pdf
- PC00019 19-079 Submission Wooing Tree Development Partnerships Limited (WTDPL).pdf
- PC00019 19-080 Submission Matt and Sonia Conway.pdf
- PC00019 19-081 Submission John Elliot.pdf
- PC00019 19-082 Submission Janes Family Trust and Searell Family Trust.pdf
- PC00019 19-083 Submission A F King and Sons LTD.pdf
- PC00019 19-084 Submission W and G Bamford.pdf
- PC00019 19-085 Submission Niall and Julie Watson.pdf
- PC00019 19-086 Submission David Olds.pdf
- PC00019 19-087 Submission Mike And Keren Wright.pdf
- PC00019 19-088 Submission GZR Property Investment Ltd.pdf
- PC00019 19-089 Submission Horticulture New Zealand.pdf
- PC00019 19-090 Submission Graeme Pont.pdf
- PC00019 19-091 Submission Judy and John Hamilton.pdf
- PC00019 19-092 Submission Peter and Ngaire Grellet.pdf
- PC00019 19-093 Submission Sean Dent.pdf
- PC00019 19-094 Submission Crossbar Trust.pdf
- PC00019 19-095 Submission Shamrock Hut Ltd.pdf
- PC00019 19-096 Submission NTP Development Holdings Ltd.pdf
- PC00019 19-097 Submission Jim and Diane Walton and Alan McLean.pdf
- PC00019 19-098 Submission John and Mary Fletcher.pdf
- PC00019 19-099 Submission Maddy Albertson.pdf
- PC00019 19-100 Submission Nita Smith and Kieran Parsons.pdf
- PC00019 19-101 Submission Geoffrey Owen and Ingrid Janice Poole.pdf
- PC00019 19-102 Submission Alfred Lustenberger.pdf
- PC00019 19-103 Submission Suz Allison.pdf
- PC00019 19-118 Submission Lakefield Estate Unincorporated Residents Group.pdf
- PC00019 19-126 Submission Christine and James Page and MB and RA Cromwell Ltd.pdf
- PC00019 19-127 Submission Harold Kruse Davidson.pdf
- PC00019 19-128 Submission Transpower New Zealand Ltd.pdf
- PC00019 19-129 Submission John and Barbara Walker.pdf
- PC00019 19-130 Submission Aidan and Philippa Helm.pdf
- PC00019 19-131 Submission Lois D Gill.pdf
- PC00019 19-132 Submission Johnathan Brass.pdf
- PC00019 19-133 Submission John Morton as trustee for J and DM Morton Family.pdf
- PC00019 19-134 Submission Ros and Pete Herbison.pdf
- PC00019 19-135 Submission Cairine Heather MacLeod.pdf
- PC00019 19-136 Submission Lawrence O'Callaghan.pdf
- PC00019 19-137 Submission R S (Bob) Periam.pdf
- PC00019 19-138 Submission Wakefield Estates Limited.pdf
- PC00019 19-139 Submission Shanon Garden.pdf
- PC00019 19-140 Submission Bannockburn Responsible Development Inc.pdf
- PC00019 19-141 Submission Dr Chris Cameron and Ms Carolyn Patchett.pdf
- PC00019 19-142 Submission Lakeside Christian Centre.pdf
- PC00019 19-143 Submission Koraki Limited and ScottScott Limited.pdf
- PC00019 19-144 Submission Wally Sanford.pdf
- PC00019 19-145 Submission Thyme Care Properties Ltd.pdf
- PC00019 19-146 Submission Pisa Moorings Vineyard Ltd and Pisa Village Developments Ltd .msg
- PC00019 19-146 Submission Pisa Moorings Vineyard Ltd and Pisa Village Developments.pdf
- PC00019 19-147 Submission Stephen Davies.pdf
- PC00019 19-148 Submission CHP Developments Limited.pdf
- PC00019 19-149 Submission Kathryn Adams.pdf
- PC00019 19-150 Submission Landpro Limited.pdf
- PC00019 19-151 Submission The House Movers Section of the New Zealand Haulage Association Inc.pdf
- PC00019 19-152 Submission Susan Margaret Walsh.pdf
- PC00019 19-153 Submission Fraser James Sinclair and Kelly Michelle Checketts - Copy.pdf
- PC00019 19-153 Submission Fraser James Sinclair and Kelly Michelle Checketts.pdf
- PC00019 19-154 Submission Professor Jennifer Dixon - Copy.pdf
- PC00019 19-154 Submission Professor Jennifer Dixon.pdf
- PC00019 19-155 Submission Hannah Reader - Copy.pdf
- PC00019 19-155 Submission Hannah Reader.pdf
- PC00019 19-156 Submission Werner Murray - Copy.pdf
- PC00019 19-156 Submission Werner Murray.pdf
- PC00019 19-157 Submission Susan Woodard and David Barkman.pdf
- PC00019 19-158 Submission Retirement Villages Ass of NZ INC.pdf
- PC00019 19-159 Submission Rocky Glen Ltd c - Lewis McGregor.pdf
- PC00019 19-160 Submission Ryman Healthcare Limited.pdf
- PC00019 19-161 Submission Topp Property Investments 2015 Ltd.pdf
- PC00019 19-162 Submission Sugarloaf Vineyards Ltd.pdf
- PC00019 19-163 Submission John and Rowan Klevstul and Rubicon Hall Road Ltd.pdf
- PC00019 19-164 Submission Fulton Hogan.pdf
- PC00019 19-165 Submission Paterson Pitts Group Ltd.pdf
- PC00019 19-166 Submission Christian Paul Jordan.pdf
- PC00019 19-167 Submission Holly Townsend.pdf
- PC00019 19-168 Submission Carey Waever.pdf
- PC00019 19-169 Submission Rayya Ali on behalf of NZ Motor Caravan Ass.pdf
- PC00019 19-170 Submission Hokonui Runangapdf.pdf
- PC00019 19-171 Submission Fin White.pdf
- PC00019 -2- Legal Submissions 19 - 61,62 - Foodstuffs South Island Properties Ltd - Alex Hansby.pdf