The request proposes to rezone 5.6 hectares of land from Rural Resource Area to Industrial
Resource Area and to retain the balance land of the subject site as the Rural Resource
The Plan Change also proposes the following amendments to the operative District Plan:
• An addition to Rule 12.7.1. (iii) Access to Rural State Highways and Arterial
Roads, to provide that there be no direct access to any subdivided allotment from
the site to SH8 and Springvale Road and to provide for a suitable left turning lane
from State Highway 8 into Springvale Road.
• An addition to Rule 9.3.5 (iv) Screening to provide for a 10m landscaped buffer
strip along the boundaries of the site with State Highway 8, Springvale Road and
the Clyde Cemetery Reserve.
Location: Section 1 Block XXXIV Town of Clyde; Part Block XXXI Town of Clyde; Block XXXII Town of Clyde; Part Block XXXIII and Part Block XXXIV
Status: Further Submissions open