Alexandra Cemetery
Record | Date Range | Location |
Cemetery Maps/Plans | Hanger 30 | |
Alexandra Burial Register | 1868 - 2009 | CD3 |
Alexandra Cemetery Redevelopment Report | December 2001 | CD4 |
Society of Genealogists - Compilation of burial sites | 1868 - 1976 | CD4 |
22/1/1A Cemeteries - Alexandra Policy and General | 1974-1992 | Box 1-CG3 |
22/1/1B Cemeteries - Alexandra Policy and General | 1992-2004 | |
22/1/1C Cemeteries - Alexandra Policy and General | 2004-2005 | |
22/1/1/1A Alexandra Cemetery Internment Warrants | 1993-1996 | |
22/1/1/1B Alexandra Cemetery Internment Warrants | 1997-1998 | |
22/1/1/1C Alexandra Cemetery Internment Warrants | 1998-2000 | Box 2-CG3 |
22/1/1/1D Alexandra Cemetery Internment Warrants | 1999-2002 | |
22/1/1/1E Alexandra Cemetery Internment Warrants | 2001-2004 | |
22/1/1/1F Alexandra Cemetery Interment Warrants | 2004-2005 | |
22/1/1/1G Alexandra Cemetery Internment Warrants | 2005 | |
22/1/2A Alexandra and Clyde - Reserved Plots (Paid) | 1994-2002 | Box 3-CG3 |
COM 01-61-01 Alexandra Cemetery | 2006-2010 | Box 5-CH3 |
COM 01-61-03 Alexandra Cemetery Internment Warrants VI | 2008-2009 | |
COM 01-61-03 Alexandra Cemetery Internment Warrants VII | 2010-2011 |