Ranfurly Cemetery
Record | Date Range | Location |
Cemetery maps/plans - plot plan & plan book | Strong room and CF3 | |
Envelope with copies of Maniototo Cemeteries | as at 6/5/2000 | Strong Room |
File COM 01-64-10 - Condolences | February 1991 - May 2012 | Strong Room |
Register of Burials | 1962-2003 | Strong Room |
Register of Burials | 1982-2002 (appears to be informal) | Strong Room |
Resister of Burials | 2003-2009 | Strong Room |
Transcription of Headstones and Burial Records (2 copies) | 17 March 1979 | Strong Room |
File 22/4 - Ranfurly Cemetery - Internment Warrants | 30.01.1982 - 31.12.2004 | Strong Room |
File 22/4A - Ranfurly Cemetery - Internment Warrants | 17.03.2005 - 17.08.2009 | Strong Room |
File 22/4/1 - Policy and General, Ranfurly Cemetery | 1982-2003 | Strong Room |
File C3/3 (Maniototo County Council)Ranfurly Cemetery | 05.05.1983 - 14.03.1989 | Strong Room |
Cemetery Accounts | November - December 1986 | Strong Room |
Ranfurly Cemetery Fund Account Passbook | 1907-1910 | Strong Room |
Sexton's Warrants | 4.11.2003 - 07.12.2007 | Strong Room |
Sexton's Warrants | 7-12.2007 - 17.08.09 | Strong Room |
22/4/1 Ranfurly Cemetery - Policy and General | 1990-2002 | Box 3 CD3 |
C/3/1 and C/3/2 Maniototo County Council - District Cemeteries | 1952-1989 | Box 4 CD3 |