Certificate of Acceptance
A Certificate of Acceptance (COA) may be issued by Council for work that did not have building consent when it should have had. Retrospective building consents cannot be issued.
It allows for certification of work that has, for example, been carried out urgently because of safety issues and where there hasn't been time to apply for consent because of that emergency, or where an owner believed that the building work was exempt.
Only building work completed after 1 July 1992 will be considered for a Certificate of Acceptance.
Because Council has discretion as to whether a Certificate of Acceptance is issued, we would suggest you talk to one of our Building Inspectors first.
When a COA cannot be issued
A COA cannot be issued in the following circumstances:
- For any work completed without a Building Consent prior to 1 July 1992. There is no process available through councils for acceptance or qualification of this work. Where such building work is the subject of a condition for a building report in a sale and purchase agreement, then you will need to obtain the inspection services of a qualified person from the private sector. A "safe and sanitary" report can be completed, which acknowledges that the works are not dangerous or insanitary. The report can be provided to Council and added to the property file for inclusion in any future LIM report for the property.
- Where a Building Consent has been obtained (except where a BCA or certifier is unable or refuses to issue a CCC), i.e. the owner needs to complete the Building Consent process and apply for a CCC.
What you need:
- Application for Certificate of Acceptance (COA) – Online
- Application for Certificate of Acceptance (COA) - PDF
- Proof of ownership – to be supplied
- Agent authority (if applicable)
- Processing/Check Sheets (see below)
- Plans – to be supplied
- Specifications – to be supplied
Check sheets:
- CS01 Heating Appliance
- CS02 PS1 Design Shed Garage Carport (PDF, 4.67MB)
- CS03 Minor Internal Alterations (PDF, 7.6MB )
- CS04 Plumbing and drainage (PDF, 3.5MB)
- CS05 New Houses or Sleepouts and Major Alterations
- CS06 Commerical Industrial Buildings (PDF, 21.7MB )
- CS07 Minor Commercial Alterations (PDF, 5.8MB )
- CS08 Swimming pools and barriers (PDF, 2.6MB)
- CS09 Retaining walls (PDF, 2.96MB )
- CS10 Relocated Houses-Foundation Drainage Works (PDF, 7MB )
- CU07 Marquees (PDF, 6.3MB)
The cost for a Certificate of Acceptance is listed on our Schedule of Fees and Charges
For more information please visit the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment site's Certificate of Acceptance page. (PDF, 642.3KB)