Code Compliance
What is a Code Compliance Certificate?
A code compliance certificate (CCC) is a formal statement issued under section 95 of the Building Act 2004, that building work carried out under a building consent complies with that building consent and the building code.
The Council issues a Code Compliance Certificate for consented building work when it is satisfied on reasonable ground that the building work complies with the New Zealand Building Code and the building consent.
A code compliance certificate gives you and future owners an assurance that the building work was done to the appropriate standards, making it safe, healthy and durable. .
The owner is responsible for notifying the Council as soon as the building work has been completed in accordance with the building consent.
Before you book a final inspection, you need to ensure that the application for your Code Compliance Certificate and all supporting documentation has been submitted. When notifying the Council of completed work, allowances should be made for time to arrange an inspection and to rectify any work that does not comply with the building code.
We may be unable to issue the Code Compliance Certificate if any of the required inspections have been missed or the required Producer Statements cannot be provided.
If an application for CCC has not been received within two years of the building consent being granted, Council is required to decide whether or not to issue a Code Compliance Certificate. A reminder letter will be sent out to alert you to this. Failure to respond to reminder letters from Council may result in Code Compliance being refused.
If you apply in writing for an extension of time to complete your building project an officer may grant an extension after reviewing the file or by doing a progress inspection.
Online Form - Request an extension of time for a building consent
Council will advise you in writing if an extension of time is approved.
How do I get my Code Compliance Certificate?
The CCC application form will have been sent to you in the building consent pack, but if you need a new one you can contact us and have one sent out or fill in the Online Form - Apply for a code compliance certificate (CCC).
The Building Act requires us to process your application for CCC within 20 working days. The clock' starts when we received your application. As with building consent applications, the clock' will stop if your application is suspended awaiting additional inspections, documentation, or payment of development contributions (if applicable) and will restart when the issue has been resolved.
Fees vary for applications depending on the type of project. Where the cost to make a code compliance certificate decision exceeds the fee paid at lodgement of the consent, then additional fees may be charged for time and or inspections. An invoice will be issued detailing any fees and levies payable.
When you apply for a Code Compliance Certificate you will need to confirm the names and contact details for all the people involved in your project e.g., builders, plumbers, engineers etc.
You may also need to supply supporting documentation such as energy certificates, Records of Work or Producer Statements. Your Building Consent Addenda lists the documentation required before a Code Compliance Certificate can be issued and additional documentation may also be requested during inspections (e.g. as-built drainage plan, amendment etc.).
If the building has specified systems such as fire alarms, sprinklers, etc. that have been added, removed or altered, evidence may be required to prove that they are capable of performing to the performance standards set out in the building consent. We will also issue a Compliance Schedule and a Compliance Schedule Statement with the Code Compliance Certificate.
Resolving Problems (Complaints process)
Throughout the consenting process the building team maintain a customer focus, however, if you are unhappy with the building team's customer service or decisions, all complaints should in the first instance, be forwarded to the Council's Regulatory Services Manager who will investigate the complaint and determine what further action should to be taken in regard to the complaint.
If the outcome from a complaint is deemed unsatisfactory by the complainant, the matter will be escalated to the Executive Manager of Planning and Environment for determination.
All formal complaints to the Council must be received in writing (email or letter.) Complaints should be addressed to: Regulatory Services Manager, Central Otago District Council, PO Box 122, Alexandra 9340 or emailed to:
Our standard response timeframe is an acknowledgement within two working days and a response in 10 working days. However, if the issue needs more time we will let you know and keep you updated.
If you have any queries, concerns or complaints about Council's building control functions, guidance on resolving problems can found on the Building Performance website.
The Building Act has provision to obtain a determination. A determination is a legally binding ruling made by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) about matters of doubt or dispute to do with building work. Guidance about determinations can also be found on the Building Performance website.
Determinations Process
If you have a complaint regarding a building or building work and whether it complies with the Building Code this should be discussed with Central Otago District Council in the first instance to try and resolve the complaint. However, if this cannot be resolved the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) have the ability to make a determination on the matter.
A determination is a legally binding ruling made by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) about matters of doubt or dispute to do with building work. Guidance about determinations can also be found on the Building Performance website.
Consents Officer - Building
Phone:(03) 440 0613