Council Property
Our property team is responsible for managing Council's commercial and administration buildings, community venues, public toilets, elderly persons' housing, aerodrome and landholdings. We also provide property advice to other Council departments and to a wide range of community groups occupying or leasing Council land or facilities.
Asbestos: Please note if you are carrying out construction work within a Council owned building, please contact the property team via our main Council line (03) 440 0056 to receive any available asbestos survey data.
Community Buildings
Our community buildings provide places for social, sporting and cultural interaction. We own or manage 17 community halls, two stadiums and two theatres throughout the district. See our Venues section for more details on these.
For enquiries about community facilities eg hire, contact the Property and Facility Officer within the relevant ward:
Cromwell | Maniototo | Teviot Valley/Vincent |
Helen Giles 03 262 9603. | Janice Remnant 03 444 9170 | Bex Snape 03 265 2743 |
Public Toilets
We provide public toilets in towns across the district and at recreation facilities and parks. These are available for residents and visitors.
Administration Buildings
Council's main Alexandra office and service centres in Cromwell, Ranfurly and Roxburgh house all Council service departments and allow Council to carry out its functions and to ensure a local presence is maintained in local communities.
Commercial and Other Property
We own and lease a variety of commercial and farm properties, and develop land for sale that is not contributing to community outcomes and where it is considered unlikely to do so in the future. We also purchase land for development where there is merit. The income from commercial property is used to fund other Council costs.
We own and manage a number of forestry blocks. These forests also provide an amenity value for the community for walking and biking.
For Lease enquiries contact:
Zelda Zeelie
Team Leader Statutory Property
Phone: 027 273 0465
We manage the assets at the aerodromes at Alexandra, Cromwell and Roxburgh. The users are generally recreational private pilots and some commercial users for such things as top dressing of farms.
You can read the recently adopted Alexandra Airport Master Plan (PDF, 3.4MB) here.
Pay Airport Landing Fee – Online Form
For Airport enquiries contact:
Tara Bates
Property and Facilities Officer - District
Phone: (03)440 0623
Elderly Persons' Housing - EPH
Council owns 98 housing units, which primarily cater for those in the community who have reached retirement age and have limited cash assets or income as assessed by central government.
As of 1 July 2018 the eligibility criteria for prioritising applicants prior to being offered a tenancy is:
- Aged over 65 with a Community Services Card
- Aged 60 plus with Community Service Card
- Aged 60-64 with no Community Services Card, where long standing vacancies exist
- Aged under 60 with clear social need, where there are long standing vacancies (CEO's discretion)
We have 23 units in Alexandra, three in Clyde, 31 in Cromwell, 26 in Ranfurly and 15 in Roxburgh.
Application for tenancy of house unit for the elderly - Online form
Locations of Units
- Alexandra - Shannon Street, Ventry Street
- Clyde - Fraser Street
- Cromwell - Ortive Street, Molyneux Avenue, Inniscort Street, Goodger Court
- Roxburgh - Leithholm Place, Scotland Street
- Ranfurly - John Street, Pery Street
Features and Services
All units are one bedroom units, serviced with an annual smoke and battery alarm check. The grass is mown by Council's contractor, however the tenants are responsible to maintain any garden directly in front, beside or behind their unit. All other maintenance issues are undertaken by Council as landlord.
All units have showers in the bathroom, but the type of shower varies from unit to unit. The occupancy rating of either single or double is with regard to the size of the unit/bedroom and is a recommendation only. However, the number of tenants allowed to reside in the unit will be stipulated in the Residential Tenancy Agreement.
Rents are reviewed annually based on a market rental assessment undertaken by QVNZ.
Council, as landlord, requires the equivalent of two weeks rent for the bond and rent is required to be paid two weeks in advance.
Depending on the location, size and condition of units, rents range as follows:
- Alexandra $145 - $250 per week
- Clyde $240 - $250 per week
- Cromwell $225 - $295 per week
- Roxburgh $85 - $175 per week
- Ranfurly $75 - $145 per week
For enquiries about elderly persons’ housing contact the Property and Facility Officer for the relevant ward:
Alexandra | Clyde | Cromwell | Roxburgh | Maniototo |
Helen Giles Phone: 03 262 9603. | Janice Remnant Phone: (03) 444 9170 |