About GIS
About GIS
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) display, manipulate and analyse geographic information using a combination of hardware, software, personnel and data. GIS can be used to visualise data from databases, allowing easier interpretation of that data.
How does GIS work?
A GIS combines layers of information about a location to give you a better understanding of that location.
GIS can be used to solve real-world problems including:
- verifying location
- creating planning models
- monitoring environmental conditions
- routing and tracking vehicles
Tools for map display, query, geometric processing, or analysis are built into GIS software packages, which can be tailored for specific needs.
GIS data most commonly exists in one of two formats: vector or raster.
- Vector data consists of discrete features such as points (manholes), lines (roads), or polygons (parcel boundaries).
- Raster data consists of continuous data made up of pixels (Aerial Photography).
What is not GIS?
- Global Positioning System (GPS) - GPS can be used to capture data for use in GIS.
- Static Maps - Usually either hardcopy (e.g. paper) or digital maps (e.g. PDF). Static maps are a common output from a GIS.
- Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) - CAD primarily deals with large-scale models (but relatively small in size), generally without maintaining attributes and geographic coordinates systems. GIS deals more with smaller scale models (but very large in size), maintains attributes and a variety of different geographic coordinate systems. The differences between GIS and CAD are narrowing.
How does Central Otago District Council use GIS?
Central Otago District Council's Planning & Environment and Infrastructure Services departments both utilise GIS to help carry out their corporate functions.
The Planning & Environment department uses GIS to create, manage and analyse planning and regulatory information (Building Consents, Resource Consents, Subdivisions, Hazard Information, Dog Control, etc.).
The Infrastructure Services department uses GIS to create, manage and analyse utilities information (Sewer, Stormwater and Water infrastructure). It is a key tool for utilities asset management.
Terms & Conditions
Central Otago District Council Geographic Information System (GIS) Viewers are offered as a free service. Use of this service to retrieve information constitutes your awareness and agreement to the following conditions of use.
Conditions of Use
- Use of this viewer is entirely at the risk of the user.
- Central Otago District Council (Council) and its employees, while providing this information in good faith, accept no responsibility or liability for any loss, damage, injury, or loss in value to any person, property, service or otherwise resulting from its use.
- The preparation and provision of the information has been made in good faith from a number of sources. While all due care has been taken, the Council does not give any warranty in regard to the availability, accuracy, completeness, currency or reliability of the information.
- The GIS represented within these viewers may not be an accurate, complete or correct representation of the features depicted.
- In some areas cadastral boundaries do not align with the property boundaries shown on the aerial photographs. This may be owing to an inaccuracy of the overlay of the cadastral information, or may demonstrate that a boundary has been incorrectly defined by a property owner.
- It is the property owner's responsibility to define their property boundaries.
- To determine the legal boundaries, you may need to employ the services of a surveyor.
Intellectual Property
- Sourced from the Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) Data Service and Stats NZ.
- This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit Creative Commons.
- In general the Council viewers derive information from variety of sources and may include intellectual property of third parties.
- Unless stated otherwise, all intellectual property rights in, to and in respect of the information, data and materials appearing on the site (including copyright, trademarks, trade names and logos) are and remain the property of either the Central Otago District Council or the third parties who have licensed their intellectual property to the Council.
- Information may only be used as permitted under the Copyright Act 1994.
Continuation of Service
- The Council may elect to add, amend, or discontinue viewers without notice.
- Council Viewers may be unavailable at times without notice due to maintenance.
Property Information
- The property-related data provided within these viewers are not intended as a replacement for the information that is included in a Land Information Memorandum (LIM) Report.
Services Information
- Levels, locations and dimensions of water, stormwater, and wastewater or refuse information shown may not be accurate due to circumstances not notified to Council. A physical check should be made on all levels, locations and dimensions before starting any design or works.