Central Otago has five towns that have Heritage Precincts. These are Clyde, St Bathans, Ophir, Old Cromwell and Naseby. These are included in our District Plan Maps.
Heritage Precincts
For any work you're planning within a heritage precinct, like adding on, painting, or repainting in a significantly different colour or re-cladding you'll need resource consent.
Heritage Building/Site/Object/Tree
There are many heritage buildings, structures, sites and trees throughout Central Otago.
Most of these have been included on our heritage register in our District Plan and are classified to protect and recognise their value.
Our Planning and Environment team will be able to assist you with identifying whether or not your building/site/object/tree is listed in the Heritage Schedule 19.4 of the Operative Central Otago District Plan.
Will I need a Resource Consent?
If your building/site/object/tree is listed in the Heritage Schedule, you'll need a resource consent to do any of the following:
- Make an alteration or addition (this includes signs) to any building or structure that has a Category I Classification. This includes any interior alterations for this category.
- Make any exterior alterations or additions (this includes signs) to a building or structure with a Category II Classification or that is listed in Part A of Schedule 19.4 of the District Plan.
- Remove or demolish a building or structure with any classification or that is listed in Schedule 19.4 of the District Plan.
- The proposed work involves a Historic Reserve (as identified in the District Plan) or an archaeological or waahi tapu site. Note: If you are going to disturb an archaeological site - that's any site associated with human activity that's occurred before 1900, you must contact Heritage New Zealand before starting any work.
- Construction of any new building or structure (this includes signs, fences and areas of hard standing) with frontage to; or that are visible from a road or any public place.
What do I need to include in my application?
Your resource consent application needs to include:
- Written approval from the Heritage New Zealand.
- A written description of what you propose to do in relation to the heritage values of the site.
- A site plan drawn to scale showing all buildings and structures, access points and elevation plans (before and after if an alteration).
- An Assessment of Effects on the Environment, which will need to include a description of the proposal along with the following:
- The external design and appearance of the building or structure, this includes the types of materials and colours used.
- The scale of the work in relation to any existing buildings and structures and especially relating to the heritage value of the area.
- Any proposed landscaping.
- Parking, access and location of services.
How much will it cost?
If your proposal only requires resource consent because it's situated in a Heritage Precinct or related to a Heritage Item, then Council will waive the resource consent fees. If, however, it involves, for example, a subdivision, or is not permitted in terms of the District Plan then the appropriate fees will be payable.