Resource Consent
The Council is required by the Resource Management Act to make sure that environmental effects are managed well. The District Plan is the tool that assists by controlling the effects of activities to ensure they do not have an adverse effect on the surrounding environment.
Some activities are either provided for, or controlled by rules in certain resource areas (zones). These activities are defined as permitted, controlled, discretionary, non-complying or prohibited.
What is a Resource Consent?
A resource consent is a permission to undertake an activity on a particular site if it does not comply with the requirements of the District Plan. A resource consent application may result in the imposition of conditions of consent to control the effects of the activity on the environment.
In what circumstances do I need a Resource Consent?
You will need to refer to the District Plan to help you work out if you require a resource consent. If you are unsure, a Council planner will be happy to assist with this.
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What types of activities might require a Resource Consent?
- subdivisions
- planting of trees in the Outstanding Natural Landscape; planting and removal of trees in a Heritage Precinct and the planting of certain species of trees
- childcare centres
- quarries
- new dwellings, if outside the District Plan rules or in a rural area
- travellers' accommodation
- restaurants
- service stations
- earthworks
How do I apply for a Resource Consent?
To ensure that the application is processed in a timely manner it is important to make sure you provide all of the information required, including an assessment of the environmental effects. In some cases you may need to get advice from a specialist, for example, a planner, landscape architect, registered engineer, surveyor, or traffic engineer to assist you with your application.
If you're planning a development, subdivision or building that may need consents or permits, we recommend talking to us before submitting your application.
Does my application need to be Publicly Notified?
A resource consent application will be publicly notified if the effects on the environment are considered to more than minor.
A Council planner can assess your application prior to lodging and determine whether it needs to be publicly notified. If publicly notified, those people directly affected by your application will be informed, a sign will be placed on the property for a period of time, and public notice will be posted on this website and in The News, which is published on a Thursday. This allows any person who may wish to do so to make a submission on the application. In most cases, the submission period is 20 working days, but this can be extended for complex applications.
How long will the consent application take to be processed?
Non-notified resource consents will be processed within 20 working days, although if an application is not complete and further information is needed, the time frame will be extended. Non-notified applications can generally be approved under delegated authority and do not require a Council hearing.
Notified resource consents involve a more lengthy process taking up to 70 working days to complete.
Following the submission period, planning reports are prepared and a hearing date is set. Any submitters can attend the hearing and applicants have a right of reply to objections. Decisions are generally reserved at the completion of the hearing. Within 15 working days of the hearing being completed, a written decision of the Council is sent to the applicant and submitters.
Resource Consent Monitoring
If an activity is approved the Council is required to monitor the activity to ensure it complies with the approval and any specified conditions.
Resource Consent Forms - Online
Applying for a resource consent is easy: Here are the application forms:
Resource Consent Forms - PDF Format
Resource Consent Application forms:
- Form 9 - Resource Consent Application Form
- Form 10 - Application for Change or Cancellation of Resource Consent Condition
- Form 8A - Affected Parties Approval
Deemed Permitted Boundary Activity Forms:
- Form 9A - Deemed Permitted Boundary Activity Forms
- Form 8B - Affected Parties Approval for Deemed Permitted Boundary Activity
Digital Resource Consent Applications
You can now lodge your resource consent application documents with us digitally
Guidance Notes/Checklists
- Checklist for Land Use Consent and Assessment of Effects on the Environment (AEE)
- Checklist and AEE Guidance Notes for Minor Yard and Height Breaches - Residential
- Checklist and AEE Guidance Notes for Minor Yard and Height Breaches - Rural
- Alternative Water Supplies
- Firefighting Water in Central Otago
- Boarding Kennels and Catteries
- Packing Sheds and Wineries
- Tiny Homes
- Travellers' Accommodation
Useful Links
These links allow you direct access to other agencies or legislation that you may need to consult in making an application for a resource consent.