Staff relocated to Alexandra Pool. Usual services available include outdoor pool.
Travellers' accommodation has the potential to affect the amenity values of the adjoining properties. Effects include (but are not limited to) an increase in traffic, noise and a loss of security and companionship associated with knowing your neighbours.
If you want to operate a Homestay or Bed and Breakfast (B&B) and you permanently live in the house no resource consent is required if you have six or less fee paying guests.
If you want to accommodate fee paying guests but don't live at the house permanently, you will need resource consent, regardless of the number of people it accommodates.
You'll need to provide:
Your application will also need to include:
There may be other requirements depending on where the property is and could include needing to liaise with groups such as the Department of Conservation, Heritage New Zealand, Ngai Tahu or New Zealand Transport Agency.
The initial deposit to include with your application will can be found in Council's fees and charges schedule.
Any development that creates additional demands will attract a development contribution and this includes travellers' accommodation.
Depending on the type of facility there may be Building Act requirements. Please contact Council's Building Control Department to discuss.
If you're planning to serve meals and/or drinks to your guests, then you may need to have an environmental health or alcohol licence in place. Please check with our Environmental Health Officer to discuss whether or not licenses will be required.
Once you've got all your consents in place, you might like to consider becoming a member of Tourism Central Otago and look to promote your business in our district's i-SITEs.