Our Executive Leadership Team includes the Chief Executive and a group of senior managers who are responsible for the following key portfolios:
Peter Kelly, CEO
Phone: +64 27 360 8736
Email: peter.kelly@codc.govt.nz
Louise van der Voort, Group Manager - Planning and Infrastructure
Phone: (03) 440 0627
Email: louise.vandervoort@codc.govt.nz
Areas of responsibility: planning and regulatory services, property, roading and environmental services (waste services and sustainability initiatives).
Louise Fleck, General Manager - People and Culture
Phone (03) 440 0056
Email: louise.fleck@codc.govt.nz
Areas of responsibility: human resources, organisational culture initiatives, health, safety & wellbeing.
Saskia Righarts, Group Manager - Business Support
Phone: (03) 440 0620
Email: saskia.righarts@codc.govt.nz
Areas of responsibility: information services, risk and procurement, finance and governance functions
Dylan Rushbrook, Group Manager - Community Vision
Phone: (03) 440 0619
Email: dylan.rushbrook@codc.govt.nz
Areas of responsibility: community development, communications & engagement, economic development, strategy & policy, and tourism
David Scoones, Group Manager - Community Experience
Phone: (03) 266 2070
Email: david.scoones@codc.govt.nz
Areas of responsibility: parks, pools, libraries and customer services
Julie Muir, Group Manager - Three Waters
Phone: (03) 440 0616
Email: julie.muir@codc.govt.nz
Areas of responsibility: water services and capital projects.