Clyde Falling Main project flying high
NewsAn integral part of the Clyde Falling Main Project has been installed, signifying another key milestone in the Central Otago District Council’s Water Stimulus projects.
Clyde play space concept open for community comment
NewsA concept for a new play space for the Clyde River Park on Miners Lane has this week been released for community feedback.
Clyde Wastewater Project tender awarded
NewsThe Clyde Wastewater Project reaches pivotal stage with main pump station tender going to HEB Construction.
Mayoral statement on Government's Three Waters Reform announcement
NewsStatement from Central Otago Mayor Tim Cadogan regarding the Government's Three Waters Reform announcement, made Wednesday 27 October.
CODC report first step to reducing fruit loss
NewsThe quality of Central Otago fruit is world renowned, but not all of it makes it to local and export markets or is processed into a value-added product.
CODC adopts 2021-2031 Long-term Plan
NewsA 10 year work programme and the budget to deliver it was agreed today by Central Otago District Council when it adopted its Long-term Plan.
Clyde Heritage Precinct Upgrade - Lodge Lane
NewsWork will commence on Monday 14 June on a much anticipated makeover for Lodge Lane in Clyde.
Early preparation underway for Clyde River Park
NewsArborists are working near the Clutha Mata-au River below Clyde this week as preparations begin for development of the Clyde River Park recreation area.
Council collaboration to deliver water services being investigated
NewsIn light of the Government's Three Waters Review, Otago and Southland councils have been discussing a collaborative approach to water services delivery ...
Clyde wastewater pipeline construction underway again
NewsConstruction of the Clyde wastewater pipeline is underway again after a month-long delay due to the COVID-19 Level 4 lockdown.
Investigation work continues for Clyde Wastewater Upgrade
NewsPreparations continue for the upgrade of Clyde's wastewater system...
Wastewater pipeline near finished
NewsThe construction of the main Clyde wastewater pipeline is close to completion, with work in Tarbert Street, Alexandra, expected to be finished this month.
Clyde reticulation works and pump station contract awarded
NewsSeipp Construction Ltd has been awarded the contract for the physical works to construct the Clyde wastewater reticulation system and pump station.
Clyde property visits to assess wastewater systems
NewsCODC contractors will visit properties in central Clyde over the coming weeks to assess existing wastewater systems and septic tanks.