The Vincent Community Board will engage a quantity survey to carry out a cost estimate for compliance and maintenance work on Molyneux Stadium in Alexandra.
The exercise will determine how much it will cost to bring the 50-plus-year-old stadium up to scratch. At the monthly meeting in Alexandra yesterday (Tuesday 2 April 2024) the community board agreed to fund the work, to cost $20,000 from the $1.38 million of unspent budget for earthquake strengthening, which was included in the annual plan budgets for 2024-25, and in year three of the Long-term Plan spend for 2021-31.
In a report to the meeting, Central Otago District Council Property Officer Tara Bates informed the Board that an initial assessment confirmed there was significant work required to bring the building up to spec. WSP consultants were engaged to provide a comprehensive Building Condition Assessment, including the structural state of the building and the work required to comply with the Building Code, such as fire escape routes and accessible facilities.
The assessment provided information around any potential challenges and capital costs of asbestos removal, as well as ongoing maintenance and seismic strengthening. The stadium has been identified as having a building life of 25-30 years if ongoing maintenance work continues. Strategic investment will potentially extend the life of the building beyond 30 years.
Once the cost estimate has been received from the quantity surveyor, a report will be presented to the Board with an update on the full costs required to bring the stadium up to current building standards.