New community board member for Teviot Valley
The Teviot Valley Community Board has a new member.
Curtis Pannett (pictured) made his declaration of office and joined the community board, which met at Roxburgh on Thursday 5 December 2024. He replaced Russell Read.
Mr Pannett took part in some robust discussion, including the mowing of individual grass verges in Roxburgh.
At the March meeting, the Board resolved to cease mowing of verges in Roxburgh and redistribute the funding being spent across other costs centres within the open spaces contract area. This was actioned from 1 July and the vast majority of residents have undertaken the maintenance of their verge.
However, it has since come to Council’s attention that the verge on the corner of Smith and Scotland streets in Roxburgh has yet to be maintained by the adjacent resident. It is understood that there are a several Council and other utility infrastructure assets on this verge that make it challenging to maintain. In the public forum another verge on Scotland Street was also mentioned as being difficult for the resident to mow.
At the March meeting the Central Otago District Council was also asked to develop a district-wide grass verges policy, which will be presented at the 18 December 2024 Council meeting for consideration: Therefore, the community board opted not to make a decision on mowing the Smith/Scotland verges and leave the item on the table until the verges policy, in development, was decided and adopted by Council.
The proposed vesting of the new Ida Macdonald Roxburgh Pool (Punawai Ora) into the Council, was the other item that attracted debate.
The community board was asked to consider the vesting and that this be included in the 2025-34 Draft Long-term Plan (LTP) as a consultation item. It was also recommended that the operational costs are included in the LTP.
It was noted that the Ida Macdonald Roxburgh Pool Punawai Ora committee is unable to provide an ongoing governance, and an operational and financial model to ensure that the pool remains open.
In resolving to recommend that the pool be vested in the Council, the committee was also asked to carry out a formal valuation and due diligence on the pool assets being vested to Council and covers all other expenses incurred in the transition. It was also asked to undertake all other actions to ensure the pool can be vested to the Council.
Read more:
Council may take over Roxburgh pool
CODC likely to take over running of pool | Otago Daily Times Online News