Major revamp planned for Millers Flat Reserve

The Millers Flat Recreation Reserve is to be redeveloped through a community-led initiative.
At the meeting on Thursday (20 March 2025), the Teviot Valley Community Board had a thorough discussion about a proposal put forward by the Millers Flat Recreation Reserve Steering Group.
The reserve at Millers Flat, long overdue for an upgrade, currently consists of the local war memorial, children’s playground, two tennis courts, and the former bowling green. The former bowling clubrooms sit on a section of unformed legal road which is not legally part of the reserve land.
The group submitted a plan to develop new courts on the old bowling green site, a pump track on one of the old tennis courts and relocation and upgrade of the playground to the rear of the war memorial. External funding sources would be used for some of the work.
The community board agreed that the proposal was consistent with the reserve management plan for the site and the redevelopment of existing assets within the reserve area.
However, the decision was not reached without robust discussion by the members.
The biggest concern was noise generated by high intensity games such as pickleball and the impact on nearby residents. There were also some misgivings, about the scale of the redevelopment, and whether it would be utilised, and the impact on ratepayers if Council took over the facility.
Other board members took a different view, that people living next to a public reserve should expect noise, that it was an asset to the town, and that the redevelopment would result in more use of an under-utilised reserve.
Millers Flat resident Pat Garden, who spoke on behalf of the steering group, said the tranquillity aspect, cost and proposed elements had been thoroughly discussed with the community, who were overwhelmingly in support of the project as presented.
In their report to the meeting, CODC Parks and Recreation Manager Gordon Bailey and Asset Management Team Leader – Property Janice Remnant said the entire project was estimated to cost $650,000, with the majority to be sought from third party funding organisations; Council has not been asked for any funding towards this project as the group was confident, they could raise the money required. The Millers Flat Recreation Reserve Fund has a balance of $88,000. This fund has come from depreciation of the Millers Flat Recreation Reserve. The depreciation has been levied against the tennis courts, war memorial, seats and playground.
Council would continue maintaining the reserve under its Open Spaces contract and carrying out the regular safety checks, mowing, spraying etc, therefore did not anticipate any great change to costs, although there could be a slight increase in maintaining artificial services if they required specialist care outside of the Council’s capabilities.
There was mention of the steering group using the old the former Millers Flat Bowling Club clubrooms for storage or as a pavilion; however, the Council would need to make some investigations as they are built on an unformed legal road. The road would need to be stopped and transferred to the reserve, which will incur survey costs and to amalgamate the titles.
If the clubrooms were demolished, as had been recommended by the property team and included in the 2025-34 Long-term Plan budgets, there would be no requirement, but it would be prudent to follow the same legal process and incorporate the land into the reserve.
The Council has included the clubrooms in its consultation document as a potential asset to divest. The outcome of that process will not be known until June 2025: Whatever the outcome of this consultation there are Council operated public toilets directly across the road from the reserve available for use should the clubrooms be demolished.
The next steps would be for the Council to consider submissions on the future of the clubrooms, and Council staff would continue to work with the steering group to ensure best outcomes were achieved.