Alexandra River Park moves to next stage
The Vincent Community Board has authorised a draft concept plan for the Alexandra River Park to proceed to detailed design stage.
Two draft concept plan options were initially developed for the site, with the preferred option going out for public feedback by way of survey from late July until mid-August this year, with 86 responses received.
In the report to the Board at the monthly meeting in Alexandra on Tuesday (6 September 2022), Central Otago District Council Parks and Recreation Manager Gordon Bailey states that the feedback was “very positive” to the proposed concept plan and its potential to enhance the area and invigorate community use. Seventy percent of respondents strongly agreed with the statement, and another 22% agreed. Six percent were neutral and only two respondents strongly disagreed with the statement.
A number of improvement suggestions to the concept design were provided, and these will be considered further during the detailed design phase from October to December.
The Board agreed to take the recommended steps which will enable the project to proceed as anticipated in the 2021-2031 Long-term Plan, with $650,000 allocated. A Tourism InfrastructureFund grant of $325,000 had been secured.
Council is working in partnership with the Alexandra Riverside Park Trust and engaging with the rūnaka (via Aukaha) on this project.
For more information, go to the Council’s consultation platform Let’s Talk: