Council kicks off 2025 with LTP proposals
At next week’s meeting, the Central Otago District Council (CODC) will be considering the draft consultation document and supporting material for the 2025-34 Long-term Plan (LTP).
At the meeting on 18 December 2024, Council agreed to consult with the community on the following items:
Our plan for water
Transferring water services into an independent entity (council-controlled organisation) as the preferred option.
Volumetric water charges
Increasing the volumetric water rates charges (with an increase to $2.40 per cubic metre being the preferred option, noting that what is proposed is an increase in the volumetric charge from 60c/m3 to 2.40/m3, and a decrease in the uniform annual charge which is currently $756.45/connection in 2024).
Community halls and facilities
Divesting some community facilities (for more information go to: LEVEL OF SERVICE - COMMUNITY BUILDINGS IN
Ida MacDonald Roxburgh Pool Punawai Ora
Vesting the Roxburgh pool into Council (and running the pool at a district-wide cost of $250,000 per annum).
Alexandra Outdoor Pool
Closing the pool for an annual saving of $250,000.
Manuherekia Valley Community Hub
Supporting the Manuherekia Valleys Community Hub to cover a shortfall of up to $1.6 million to complete the Omakau project.
Supercars Championships at Highlands Motorsport Park
A $250,000 grant, proposed to be funded from existing tourism reserves.
Artificial Turf at Maniototo Area School
Providing a $200,000 grant for the redevelopment of the sports turf in the Māniatoto (at an average one-off cost of $13.60 per ratepayer).
Artificial Turf at Dunstan High School
Also providing a $300,000 grant towards the redevelopment of the turf at Dunstan High (at an average one-off cost of $20.40 per ratepayer).
Central Otago District Mayor Tamah Alley said the Council faced big challenges in the years ahead and this Council needed to continue funding the delivery of core services to the community.
“To achieve this, we need to make smart decisions on where we best put our efforts, with the knowledge that some costs cannot be put off for future generations to bear the brunt.”
CODC Chief Executive said staff had been working hard to prevent and reduce rate surges for our households.
"Council also made the decision to reduce depreciation that is collected on water services by 50% to help manage the level of rate increases in the short-term, but even so the average rates increase for year one of this plan is 11.63%.”
Once approved, the draft LTP Consultation Document will go to Audit New Zealand as required under the Local Government Act 2002, along with a number documents that will facilitate the audit, which includes; Infrastructure Strategy, Financial Strategy, Prospective Financial Information, Funding Impact Statement (Rates), Revenue and Financing Policy, Rating Policy, Investment Policy, Liability Management Policy, Significance and Engagement Policy, Significant Forecasting Assumptions and Risks, Development and Financial Contributions Policy and the Schedule of Fees and Charges. Changes may be made to these documents as a result of the audit and the public consultation process. These documents will also form the basis for the final 2025-34 Long-term Plan which is planned to be adopted by Council in June 2025.
The audit is scheduled to commence 3 February 2025. Amendments will be made as required and presented back to Council on 17 March 2025 for approval to adopt these documents for formal consultation.
The Council meeting will be held Wednesday 29 January 2025, from 10.30am at the Ngā Hau e Whā, William Fraser Building,1 Dunorling Street, Alexandra.
The meeting will also be available online: