Land Information Memorandum (LIM)
A Land Information Memorandum (LIM) is a report that contains information drawn from Council records about a specific property.
We recommend you get a LIM when considering purchasing a property, bare site or dwelling, as it may reveal important information that could influence your decision. This information may be vital before a property purchase is finalised.
Likewise when selling your property, we recommend that you provide important information about your property.
If you are a professional assisting a property buyer or seller, you have a responsibility to be aware of information in these reports when giving advice.
The information provided in the LIM is governed by the provisions in Section 44A of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.
What information will be reviewed (some or all will be provided in a LIM Report)
A LIM will contain all or some of the following:
- Planning information regarding the zoning designation for example heritage precincts or buildings or outstanding landscapes
- Building - any building permits, consents or plans, code of compliance certificates issued or outstanding, swimming pool or spas, warrant of fitness either current or expired for commercial and public buildings
- Rates information annual water rates and meters
- Land and capital valuations
- Land features for example soil issues, whether it is certified or uncertified fill, the need for specific design foundations, old dredge tailings, all known hazards for example flooding, erosion, pylons fault lines or contaminations
- Boundary measurements and encroachments
- Services through the property for example water pipes, sewerage and storm water drains or drains in common and whether there any connections to neighbouring properties
- Resource consents with copies of decisions and plans and neighbouring consents
- Any licenses - food, liquor, on/off licenses, trade waste
- Any other information that the Council considers to be relevant.
How do I apply for a LIM?
Download a LIM application form.
Or by online form.
A Standard LIM takes 10 working days, an Urgent LIM can be provided within 5 working days.
How much will it cost?
- See page 12 of Council's Fees & Charges Schedule.