Omakau & Ophir
The Omakau Water Supply services the townships of Omakau and Ophir. The treatment plant consists of coagulation, flocculation, sand filtration and chlorination. This provides treatment for bacteria, and a barrier for protozoa.
The source water for Omakau is from an infiltration gallery in the Manuherekia Riverbed. This is a surface water source and is vulnerable to turbidity following rain. When this occurs, the plant is shut down and a boil water notice is required. It is also vulnerable to low river flow during summer when water restrictions may be required.
Council is investigating options to provide a resilient and compliant water supply for Omakau. This has involved considering other source water options. A business case has been developed and Council will consider the options within the next two months. Significant investment, in the range of $20-25 million, will be required to build the new plant.