What is a District Plan?
The Council is required to prepare the District Plan under the provisions of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA).
The purpose of the RMA is the sustainable management of natural and physical resources while avoiding, remedying or mitigating adverse environmental effects and providing for the well-being of communities. The Plan's framework provides objectives, policies and methods to manage the use and development of natural and physical resources.
The Central Otago District Plan is a legal document that affects the day-to-day lives of everybody in the Central Otago district and provides the framework for managing the effects of development on our spaces and places.
The current Central Otago District Plan was made operative on 1 April 2008 but it is not a static document. The Council is able to initiate plan changes and receive private plan changes from members of the public. The Council is also required to review the Plan every 10 years.
All District Plan reviews and Plan Changes are publicly notified and members of the public are able to participate in the process through the lodging of submissions.