Council carries out regular maintenance to repair isolated footpath faults as well as a programme to resurface or rebuild footpaths each year.
Footpaths wear out and become rough and untidy for a number of reasons, including damage from tree roots, work undertaken by service authorities, e.g. power/gas/water/phone, or vehicles driving over them.
Council is aware of the problems faced by users of mobility scooters and wheelchairs when getting around the district. We programme work to improve accessibility in areas of highest use and as our budgets allow. We are always keen to find out about any locations that need work to improve accessibility.
If you have any information please ring us on (03) 440 0056 or email the roading unit:
Damaged footpaths
If you can identify any particular trip hazards on our footpath network please contact us so that we can inspect the fault or damage and add the job to our programme of repairs to be carried out.
Overhanging vegetation
Trees and flowers are great, but footpaths are for people. Please keep any trees, shrubs and plants on your boundary or overhanging the road clear of the footpath so that pedestrians can use the path safely.
The area above the footpath needs to be kept clear of overgrowth from trees, low shrubs, vines and hedges to a height of 2.4m.
Council inspects all footpaths annually checking for overgrowth. Street trees are trimmed as needed and brochures are left with residents where vegetation is encroaching from private property requesting their assistance to keep the footpaths available for all to enjoy.
In extreme cases Council can serve notice on offending property owners to remove the vegetation and recover costs.